
Expert Offers Advice on Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Before, During and After Cancer Treatment

Kristie L. Kahl: Can you explain how maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps before a diagnosis, during treatment and beyond that?

Dr. Navya Nair: Absolutely. So maintaining a healthy lifestyle is just so important in all stages, cancer prevention, and even after a diagnosis and while someone's undergoing treatment. So a healthy diet. So well balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, getting regular cardiovascular exercise, avoiding toxins like tobacco, limiting alcohol use can reduce your risk of ever getting a cancer diagnosis. So for example, we know that tobacco use is directly linked to lung cancer risk. Having a healthy BMI reduces your risk of getting endometrial cancer. So these are how some of these healthy lifestyles can prevent you from getting a cancer.

Now, you also asked how this can help once someone has a diagnosis and they're in treatment. You know, having a healthy body allows you to get through some of these really tough treatments. And, you know, I often explained to my patients that a big cancer surgeries often is like running a marathon and having a really fit body before allows you to get through that better and have less complications. And much like surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, these are all things very tough on the body that having a strong body. And the other important part that I didn't talk about yet is having a healthy mind and having strong support systems outlets for stress and anxiety. In some kind of practice of reflection, whether you do yoga meditation, is mental health is just as important as physical health, especially when dealing with cancer.

Kahl: Absolutely. So from the exercise standpoint, we know exercise is good. But can you give some examples of how people can stay active because I think there's always a misperception that you know, we you need to run a mile or two miles but I think we can go simpler than that. So can you give us some examples for our patients?

Nair: Absolutely. Yes, so it's important to get a heart rate up. So however you like to do that. So for some people they like to run. Some people hate to run maybe you prefer to swim or both. Go for vigorous walks. Go for a bike ride. The goal is to get your heart rate up for 30 to 60 minutes about three to four times a week.

Kahl: Absolutely. And then similarly with diet, why is diet important when it comes to when you're in treatment, but also those long-term effects? And are there examples of the types of diets that our patients should be seeking?

Nair: So really, it's a well-balanced diet with, you know, balance of the different food groups. And certain things like if we're looking at patients, risks and outcomes related to surgery, having a healthy amount of protein in your diet improves your ability to recover from surgery. But the goal is really having a well-balanced diet and maintaining that as much as you can during and after treatment.

Kahl: Absolutely. And so to bring it all together, what is your biggest piece of advice for a patient with a gynecologic cancer who is maybe interested in making changes toward a healthier lifestyle, now that they've received a diagnosis?

Nair: I would say my biggest advice would be to pick one or two things that that you want to try to change. Don't try to change everything at once. Because it's too hard on any one person. So pick one or two things that you're interested in changing. Try to do that. It often works better when people make a change as a family unit. So if you are trying to eat healthier, or go for more regular exercise, try to make that a family activity, because it's more likely to stick if you do that together.

Transcription edited for clarity and conciseness.

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Increase Breast Cancer Survival

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Increase Breast Cancer Survival

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Your diet during your breast cancer journey plays a big role in how you feel and how your body responds to a possible recurrence. By eating well and staying active, you’ll not only feel better, but you can also increase the chances of survival.

Breast Cancer And Your Diet

Diet alone is neither the cure nor the cause of cancer, but recent studies have shown that diet could be linked to 30 to 40 percent of all cancers. The best way to reduce the risk of breast cancer or recurring cancer is thought to be a healthy diet and exercise.

Rich Nutrients

Fueling your body with nutritional foods gives everyone increased energy and improved quality of life overall, that follows true in breast cancer diagnoses as well. For those who have been diagnosed or survived breast cancer, eating well can help overcome treatment side effects, such as anemia or fatigue.

Some healthy diet choices you may want to consider:

  • Avoid sugary and processed food
  • Add in more fruits and veggies and avoid sugar-filled carbs
  • Limit or avoid alcohol
  • Increase the amount of fiber in your diet

The American Institute for Cancer Research has found links from high-fiber diets, diets high nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, and low-carb diets to breast cancer survival rates.

Get And Stay Physically Active

Among breast cancer survivors, there’s a consistent link between physical activity and an overall lower risk of breast cancer coming back. Physical activity has also been linked to improvements in quality of life, physical functioning, and fewer fatigue symptoms overall.

In the past, breast cancer survivors with lymphedema were often advised to avoid certain arm exercises and vigorous activities. But studies have found that such physical activity is safe when done the right way. In fact, it might actually lower the risk of lymphedema, or improve lymphedema for women who already have it.

As with other types of lifestyle changes, it’s important to talk with your treatment team before starting a new physical activity program. Your team can help you plan a safe and effective program.

Support Through it All

Pretty in Pink Boutique is committed to supporting those with breast cancer and their loved ones through the entire journey. If you are looking for a compassionate ear that will listen or if you have questions, please reach out. We are committed to your well-being the whole way through and may be able to assist or provide resources to help you.

Please contact us via phone or email us and let us know how we can help. Call (615) 777-PINK.

Pretty in Pink Boutique Locations & Contact:

Maplewood Office Park
400 Sugartree Ln Ste 400
Franklin, TN 37064
Phone: (615) 791-8767

Vanderbilt 100 Oaks
719 Thompson Ln Ste 25010
Nashville, TN 37204
Phone: (615) 866-4102

Northpoint Office Park
2231 NW Broad St Ste C
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Phone: (615) 866-4555

131 Indian Lake Rd Ste 213
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Phone: (615) 866-4547

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